Read the companion article here.
This episode was sponsored by: Bartlett Tree Experts
“There's a surprising portion of the entire natural world of all biodiversity that either rests in or on an oak tree. And another huge portion of biodiversity uses oak trees for food. An oak can produce 3 million acorns in its lifetime, but only a tiny handful of those, if any, will create trees, but those extra acorns are there on the ground waiting to feed just a huge number of organisms from tiny ones all the way up to bears.”
Dave Muffly, Senior Arborist and Horticulturist, Santa Barbara, CA.
Read the companion transcript here. This episode was sponsored by: Bartlett Tree Experts We’re making space for the social and cultural aspects of horticulture...
Read the article here.We know that the tree canopy plays a huge part in climate resilience. Urban centers are often the sites of first...
The Butterflyway Project is the David Suzuki Foundation’s award-winning project led by volunteers, Butterfly Rangers, and helped by residents in local communities, bringing nature...